The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, a copy of the weekly email and other items added by the market managers. Be sure and check back frequently. Thank you for supporting Lilburn Locally Grown.

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Market is Open! Ancient Awakenings this week!

The Market is now Open…Happy Shopping!

Take me to the Lilburn Market.

My Daily Bread does NOT have offerings listed this week. I apologize for not letting you know last week so you could order extra.

Back on the Market this week…

Ancient Awakenings have offerings this week. From Cultured Veggies to Water Kefir, Komboucha and Coconut Kefir you are sure to find some goodies! Remember to order for the month!

The following is a response from Dana regarding the difference in the consistency of the Kefir we got last month — interesting and helpful!

“Our kefir is made with living kefir cultures, not isolated strains like most store bought kefir. Like all living organisms, kefir goes through intricate and subtle changes with the seasons, climate, temperatures and environment it is in; the cultures have to balance out and adjust to this change. Just like you can mark the seasons with a tree budding, growing, turning colors and discarding its leaves, kefir also will constantly be in flux and going through seasonal patterns. It may especially be inconsistent during spring and fall, or whenever there is a large disparity of temperatures (such as a cold night and hot day). Real kefir will have a yeast-like aroma, taste a little stronger, and have a thicker consistency in winter months. Coconut Kefir will ferment much more quickly in the summer and warmer temperatures and have a whipped cream or thinner consistency. Part of the beauty of the symbiotic nature of kefir is that each strain has a certain strength and weakness. Together, they are able to ferment at a wide range of temperatures. Keeping this in mind, you will realize that because of this, a certain temperature will allow some strains to perform much better, while others may be temporarily suppressed. This contributes to the differing tastes and textures of kefir throughout the year. It is also important to note that coconut milk will have different consistencies as well throughout the year, depending on when they are harvested and at what time a year.”

Schedule for Market Ordering and Pickup

Market Ordering Hours: Friday 9:00am – Monday 8:00pm
Lilburn Members Pickup Location

All Saints Lutheran Church
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Pickup Location:
722 Rockbridge Road SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map

Take me to the Lilburn Market.

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BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!