The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, a copy of the weekly email and other items added by the market managers. Be sure and check back frequently. Thank you for supporting Lilburn Locally Grown.
Countdown to Close! Check out new items!
Countdown to Close
Market will close at 9:00pm tonight!
Market will close at 9:00pm tonight!
Just a very short reminder that Market closes tonight at 9:00pm! Usually it is 8:00; however, I am giving everyone an extra hour tonight in case you did not have time to check out
These plump (very plump), flavorful and picked fresh by Dabrielle and Bruce Wills of My Daily Bread’! They have carefully and lovingly nurtured their Backberry Patch since they have owned the Farm! No pesticides, fungicides or any chemicals used! If you are looking to freeze some for Winter (yes, please), NOW is the time to get them. They are PLUMP and the flavor just bursts in your mouth! Dabrielle did get them on the Market a little late because they have to be ‘just perfect’ to meet her exacting standards. She has determined that they are ‘just perfect’! Order the Blackberries today for pickup on Thursday!
Bulk Chicken Boxes
Bella Vista Creations and Mushrooms
Bethe and I were talking to Anne-Marie last week at Market and we asked if she had a Natural Deodorant. She does and has listed 2 ‘flavors’ on the Market this week! Chanterelles are also listed again this week! Oh boy, sauteed, they were AWESOME! Anne-Marie shares the recipe with your order!
What treasures did you find this week? I am ordering Fry Farm Harvest Box, Milk from Sam, Mushrooms from Anne-Marie! Original Recipe ’Hot" Sausage from Heritage Farm, Green Tomatoes from The Veggies Patch and several pints of Blackberries. (actually, several for now and some to freeze too!) I LOVE Blackberries!
Take another peek and click on link below to order or place another order!

“Like” us on Facebook!
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Got Milk???
I am giving you 10 minutes to get Cow Milk Orders in!
I know that this is a change from what is has always been; however, Sam needs this information on Sunday night so that he can plan his workload and deliveries to ensure we get our milk and eggs!
Take me to Heirloom Living Market.
'Bits and Bites' - news and reminder to order!
The Market is open!
Cow Milk Orders MUST be placed by 8:00pm TONIGHT!
For those who missed it the first time, I am pleased to welcome Anne-Marie Bilella of Bella Vista Farm to our Market Family! We are so blessed! Anne-Marie is a trained Herbalist, Certified Mushroom Hunter, Forager, Grower of Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Product Formulator. She is an expert in all things Herbal and I am very excited that her products are now available to us! Anne-Marie sells wild mushrooms and cultivated mushrooms when they are available. Her handcrafted herbal tea blends, spice and soup blends, healing salves, lip balms, toothpastes, deodorants and herbal vinegars are all excellent! Anne-Maire also teaches classes and will list them on the Market as they become available. You will all get to meet this wonderful lady soon as she will be coming to the Markets to meet you and share specifics of her products and expertise! Again, Welcome, Anne-Marie! Anne-Marie has listed Chantrell Mushrooms this week! Don’t miss the opportunity to grab some!
Order for both the Lilburn Market and the Snellville Market at:
Heirloom Living Market
Remember to Order:
Grass-fed Meats – Heritage Farm
Gluten Free Bakery – No Gluten Inc.
Medicinal Teas – Bella Vista Farm
Microgreens – Cedar Seeder Wellness Farm
Mushrooms – Bella Vista Farm
Raw Cow Milk – Cedar Rock Dairy
Raw Goat Milk – Little Tots Estate
Eggs – Cedar Rock Dairy
Eggs – Little Tots Estate
Eggs – Fry Farm (only with Harvest Box)
Veggies – Back River Farm
Doug’s Garden
Fry Farm
Grow with the Flow
The Veggie Patch
Ordering and Pickup Information
Cedar Seeder Wellness Farm
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Pickup Location:
The Farm
4108 Anderson Livsey Lane
Snellville, GA 30039
Click Here for Map
All Saints Lutheran Church
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 3:30pm – 6:30pm
Pickup Location:
722 Rockbridge Road SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
…a few thoughts…
Our Farmers are all working hard to bring us clean, fresh, locally grown produce. Mother Nature has provided rain…and rain and still more rain! This has resulted in loss of crops, reduction in quantity of available produce, re-planting and a good amount of prayers! Please, be aware that our great Farmers go above and beyond to provide for us and our families! It is season like this, that I am MOST aware of the sacrifices they make to be a Farmer. From financial loss to lost time with their families and everything in between. We owe them a debt of gratitude and continued support! When you order a produce item, you can say thank you by putting a remark in the Grower Comment section below the item on your checkout page!
You can also help the Farmers and the Market by sharing the Market link with your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers! In order to make delivering our orders financially feasible, it is necessary to meet minimums for each Farmer! Buy Local! Support our Farmers!
Some Members may have noticed that Doug Ruling of Doug’s Farm is back on the Market. His gardening venue has changed location, but Doug is back doing what he loves. He has recently had some health issues and will be having surgery soon! Please keep him in your prayers!
We are settling in at The Farm! That is the nickname we have fondly given to Cedar Seeder Wellness Farm! Created, owned and farmed by George High with his Volunteers and the support of his wife Krista, The Farm has welcomed us with open arms! We are located in a quaint, stone building, complete with tin roof right at the front of the property. It is lovely and just perfect for a Farm Market! Bethe and I love hanging out with George on Thursday! The man is a fountain of information and walking around the Farm with him is indeed educational and a treat! George is at The Farm on Thursday and Friday working; however, he makes himself available to those who would like to stop by to tour, learn or just chat! With Microgreens growing, Gardens being tended, baby Turkeys gobbling at the parents, Chickens and a few goats, there is always something going on and it is a fun place to visit! Grab the kids and head over to Cedar Seeder Wellness Farm! You will be glad you did!
All Cow Milk Orders MUST be in by 8:00pm SUNDAY!!
I know that this is a change from what is has always been; however, Sam needs this information on Sunday night so that he can plan his workload and deliveries to ensure we get our milk and eggs!
Take me to Heirloom Living Market.
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Market is open for ordering!
The Market is open for ordering!
We are blessed to add Anne-Marie Bilella of Bella Vista Farm to our Market! Anne-Marie is a trained Herbalist, Certified Mushroom Hunter, Forager, Grower of Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Product Formulator. She is an expert in all things Herbal and I am very excited that her products are now available to us! Anne-Marie sells wild mushrooms and cultivated mushrooms when they are available. Her handcrafted herbal tea blends, spice and soup blends, healing salves, lip balms, toothpastes, deodorants and herbal vinegars are all excellent! Anne-Maire also teaches classes and will list them on the Market as they become available. You will all get to meet this wonderful lady soon as she will be coming to the Markets to meet you and share specifics of her products and expertise! Again, Welcome, Anne-Marie! Anne-Marie has listed Chantrell Mushrooms this week! Don’t miss the opportunity to grab some!
Ordering for both the Lilburn Market and the Snellville Market will happen at:
Heirloom Living Market
Remember to Order:
Grass-fed Meats – Heritage Farm
Gluten Free Bakery – No Gluten Inc.
Medicinal Teas – Bella Vista Farm
Microgreens – Cedar Seeder Wellness Farm
Mushrooms – Bella Vista Farm
Raw Cow Milk – Cedar Rock Dairy
Raw Goat Milk – Little Tots Estate
Eggs – Cedar Rock Dairy
Eggs – Little Tots Estate
Eggs – Fry Farm (only with Harvest Box)
Veggies – Back River Farm
Doug’s Garden
Fry Farm
Grow with the Flow
The Veggie Patch
Ordering and Pickup Information
Cedar Seeder Wellness Farm
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Pickup Location:
The Farm
4108 Anderson Livsey Lane
Snellville, GA 30039
Click Here for Map
All Saints Lutheran Church
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 3:30pm – 6:30pm
Pickup Location:
722 Rockbridge Road SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
All Cow Milk Orders MUST be in by 8:00pm SUNDAY!!
Take me to Heirloom Living Market.
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Urgent! Please Read! Market closes at 8:00pm! Cow milk orders in by 2:00pm
The Market closes at 8:00pm today!
All Cow Milk Orders MUST be in by 2:00pm TODAY!!
Happy Independence Day!
Take me to the Lilburn Market.
We are blessed to add Anne-Marie Bilella of Bella Vista Farm to our Market! Anne-Marie is a trained Herbalist, Certified Mushroom Hunter, Forager, Grower of Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Product Formulator. She is an expert in all things Herbal and I am very excited that her products are now available to us! Anne-Marie sells wild mushrooms and cultivated mushrooms when they are available. Her handcrafted herbal tea blends, spice and soup blends, healing salves, lip balms, toothpastes, deodorants and herbal vinegars are all excellent! Anne-Maire also teaches classes and will list them on the Market as they become available. You will all get to meet this wonderful lady soon as she will be coming to the Markets to meet you and share specifics of her products and expertise! Again, Welcome, Anne-Marie! Anne-Marie has listed Chantrell Mushrooms this week! Don’t miss the opportunity to grab some!
Remember to Order:
Fermented Items – Ancient Awakenings
Grass-fed Meats – Heritage Farm
Gluten Free Bakery – No Gluten Inc.
Herbal Products – Bella Vista Farm
Microgreens – High Garden Center Farm
Mushrooms – Bella Vista Farm
Raw Cow Milk – Cedar Rock Dairy and Eggs
Raw Goat Milk – Little Tots Estate and Eggs
Back River Farm
Fry Farm
Heritage Farm
The Veggie Patch
Vicky, Steve and Matt Fry of Fry Farm are offering Harvest Boxes this week! Oh my, this is an awesome value, full of fresh and delicious veggies!
Ancient Awakenings fermented food/drink products available this week!
Dana has added some new products! Lime Coconut Kefir, Acai-Blueberry Kefir, Traditional Kraut, Apple-Caraway Kraut, Kombucha Energy Tea ‘Chlorella’, Sparkling Passionfruit Water Kefir are listed on the Market! The Lime Coconut Kefir grabbed my attention right away and I cannot wait to pair it with the Vanilla Banana Coconut Kefir!
We are settling in…
Last week was our first pickup at ‘The Farm’ and although we had few orders for pickup we are sure this location will grow. You can help us by sharing the web site with friends, neighbors and family! Bethe and I had a great time chatting with George. It never ceases to amaze me the knowledge he has to share and we are eager students. George will be coming to meet the Lilburn Members soon!
We appreciate your support of our LOCAL Farmers and of the Market! Please SHARE the Market with friends, family, neighbors and co-workers!
Ordering and Pickup Information
Cedar Seeder Wellness Farm
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Pickup Location:
4108 Anderson Livsey Lane
Snellville, GA 30039
Click Here for Map
All Saints Lutheran Church
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 3:30pm – 6:30pm
Pickup Location:
722 Rockbridge Road SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
All Cow Milk Orders MUST be in by 2:00pm Monday!!
Take me to Heirloom Living Market.
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Market is Open for Ordering!
The Market is open for ordering!
Ancient Awakenings fermented food/drink products available this week!
Ordering for both the Lilburn Market and the Snellville Market will happen at:
Heirloom Living Market
Fermented Food/Drinks – Ancient Awakenings
Grass-fed Meats – Heritage Farm
Gluten Free Bakery – No Gluten Inc.
Microgreens – Cedar Seeder Wellness Farm
Raw Cow Milk – Cedar Rock Dairy
Raw Goat Milk – Little Tots Estate
Eggs – Cedar Rock Dairy
Eggs – Little Tots Estate
Eggs – Fry Farm (only with Harvest Box)
Veggies – Back River Farm
Doug’s Garden
Fry Farm
Grow with the Flow
The Veggie Patch
Ordering and Pickup Information
Cedar Seeder Wellness Farm
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Pickup Location:
The Farm
4108 Anderson Livsey Lane
Snellville, GA 30039
Click Here for Map
All Saints Lutheran Church
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 3:30pm – 6:30pm
Pickup Location:
722 Rockbridge Road SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
All Cow Milk Orders MUST be in by 2:00pm Monday!!
Take me to Heirloom Living Market.
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Changes! Market is open for Ordering!
The Market is open for ordering!
Ordering for both the Lilburn Market and the Snellville Market will happen at:
Heirloom Living Market
Grass-fed Meats – Heritage Farm (they have veggies too!)
Gluten Free Bakery – No Gluten Inc.
Microgreens – Cedar Seeder Wellness Farm
Raw Cow Milk – Cedar Rock Dairy
Raw Goat Milk – Little Tots Estate
Eggs – Cedar Rock Dairy
Eggs – Little Tots Estate
Eggs – Fry Farm (only with Harvest Box)
Veggies – Back River Farm
Doug’s Garden
Fry Farm
Heritage Farm
The Veggie Patch
Ordering and Pickup Information
Cedar Seeder Wellness Farm
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Pickup Location:
4108 Anderson Livsey Lane
Snellville, GA 30039
Click Here for Map
All Saints Lutheran Church
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 3:30pm – 6:30pm
Pickup Location:
722 Rockbridge Road SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
All Cow Milk Orders MUST be in by 2:00pm Monday!!
Take me to Heirloom Living Market.
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Market will not open until 10:00am
Market will open at 10:00am today!
Please note: You will need to choose a PICKUP LOCATION on the final check-out page.
Lilburn location is: All Saints Lutheran Church
Snellville location is: Cedar Seeder Wellness Farm
Patience, please! more information will be in the opening email!
Cow MIlk orders by 2:00pm! Market closes at 8:00pm!
The Market closes at 8:00pm today!
All Cow Milk Orders MUST be in by 2:00pm TODAY!!
Take me to the Lilburn Market.
Grass-fed Meats – Heritage Farm (they have veggies too!)
Gluten Free Bakery – No Gluten Inc.
Microgreens – High Garden Center Farm
Raw Cow Milk – Cedar Rock Dairy and Eggs
Raw Goat Milk – Little Tots Estate and Eggs
Veggies – Back River Farm
Fry Farm
Heritage Farm
The Veggie Patch – Veggies
Vicky, Steve and Matt Fry of Fry Farm are offering Harvest Boxes this week! Oh my, this is an awesome value, full of fresh and delicious veggies!
The Market ‘Hub’ / Lawrenceville Market Needs a New Home
We appreciate your support of our LOCAL Farmers and of the Market! Please SHARE the Market with friends, family, neighbors and co-workers!
All Saints Lutheran Church
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 3:30pm – 6:30pm
Pickup Location:
722 Rockbridge Road SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
Take me to the Lilburn Market.
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Market is Open! Please READ!
The Market is open for ordering!
Raw Cow Milk and Eggs from Cedar Rock are back this week!
Take me to the Lilburn Market.
Grass-fed Meats – Heritage Farm (they have veggies too!)
Gluten Free Bakery – No Gluten Inc.
Microgreens – High Garden Center Farm
Raw Cow Milk – Cedar Rock Dairy vacation this week
Raw Goat Milk – Little Tots Estate
Eggs – Little Tots Estate
Veggies – Back River Farm
Fry Farm
Heritage Farm
The Veggie Patch – Veggies
Vicky, Steve and Matt Fry of Fry Farm are offering Harvest Boxes this week! This is an awesome deal! Lots and lots of Veggies! Add Fry Farm Organic Eggs for $5.00/doz with order of Harvest Box! (Add “Note to Farmer” under Harvest Box item on final order page!)
The Market Hub relocation News
We appreciate your support of our LOCAL Farmers and of the Market! Please SHARE the Market with friends, family, neighbors and co-workers!
All Saints Lutheran Church
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 3:30pm – 6:30pm
Pickup Location:
722 Rockbridge Road SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
Take me to the Lilburn Market.